Public Education Coalition
The Open to All® campaign is supported by a wide array of more than 200 national and state civil rights and racial justice organizations; LGBTQ organizations and community centers; health and healthcare advocates, disability advocates and inclusive faith organizations; and other groups. Is your organization Open to All®? Join the public education coalition now.
Public Education Coalition Members:
Agree to:
Uphold the mission and values of Open to All support the bedrock principle that when businesses and organizations open their doors to the public, they should be Open to All and not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, immigration status, religion or disability.*
*Nothing in this pledge prevents a business from following applicable employment laws with regards to work authorization.
Lend the organization’s voice to Open to All’s nationwide public engagement campaign to amplify the conversation and build understanding about the importance of protecting people from discrimination.
Show support:
Agree to be listed as a public education partner on the Open to All website.
virtual badge to their own website.
We encourage partners to show they are Open to All by adding aTAKE ACTION!

Get business resources to let employees, customers, and community members know this business Open to All.

Find and support Open to All businesses near you by searching on Yelp.com or the Yelp app, and filtering using the Open to All attribute.

Help spread the word about Open to All by sharing the images and videos linked below on social media using #OpenToAll

Add your voice to the growing chorus of Americans who reject discrimination! Be a part of the Open to All campaign!