Donation Confirmation
You've Signed Up
Thank you for signing on as an Open to All business!
By signing the pledge, your business has pledged to:

Maintain a welcoming and safe environment for people—including employees, visitors, customers, vendors and clients—regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion and/or disability.

Not discriminate against any individuals or deny them goods or services based on any of these characteristics, and to provide goods and services to everyone on the same terms.
As an Open to All business, we invite you to share your support with your customers:
1. Yelp has just introduced a new "Open to All" attribute. Update your profile to check the attribute and let your customers know you are Open to All.
2. The Open to All coalition is mailing you a window cling to your business’s mailing address. Please look for that in the mail and display the sign when you receive it. Then, take a picture of your storefront and post it on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Don’t forget to tag #OpenToAll!
3. Spread the word on social media. The Open to All coalition has created a Open to All Business Toolkit that includes resources and a social media guide and graphics to get you started.
4. Finally, reach out to your fellow business owners and encourage them to take the Open to All business pledge!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Molly Tafoya at
Thank you,
The Open to All Coalition