Elected Official Members
The Open to All® coalition includes a growing movement of elected officials from around the United States who are taking a stand against discrimination in their cities and states.

Take a stand for nondiscrimination in their city or state and work to create a welcoming and safe environment for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, immigration status, religion or disability.

Oppose discrimination against individuals or denial of goods or services based on any of these characteristics, and to work to ensure businesses provide all goods and services to everyone on the same terms.*
*Nothing in this pledge prevents a business from following applicable employment laws with regards to work authorization.

Engage businesses in your communities and invite them to sign the Open to All pledge. Open to All can provide you with resources, information and window clings for supportive businesses in your city or state. For more information, visit Business.OpenToAll.com

Join the Local Electeds Against Discrimination (LEAD) taskforce and come together with municipal elected officials from across the country to share ideas, best practices, and strategies for creating nondiscrimination policies and practices in local communities and/or contribute feedback and input into the development of model policies.
Thank you for your support of Open to All and for your engagement in this national public education campaign. Your relationships in your community are invaluable.
In this toolkit, you’ll find resources and ideas for reaching out to local businesses and spreading the word to your constituents and the media about your region’s commitment to the values of Open to All.
1. Sign the Open to All pledge and join the LEAD Taskforce.
- Learn more about the LEAD Taskforce.
2. Collaborate with your local Department of Workforce Development (or similar department), business improvement district (if applicable) and Chamber of Commerce to contact small businesses in your district. Consider mailing out a postcard urging businesses to sign the business pledge.
3. Encourage businesses on social media to sign the pledge using the hashtag #OpentoAll.
4. Work in coalition with leading community organizations that represent people of color, people of minority faiths, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ people—including regional chapters of Open to All coalition members. For the full list of coalition members, visit www.opentoall.com/public-education-coalition-members.
- Click here for sample outreach email to community members.
5. Contact Open to All if you are interested in issuing a a formal proclamation declaring your region is Open to All and a press release in collaboration with community organizations and small businesses. We can help support your local community efforts and ensure our outreach efforts are coordinated.
- Click here for sample proclamation language.
- Click here for sample press release. Please contact calla@opentoall.com before issuing a press release to coordinate outreach.
Municipal Elected Officials
- Felix Rivera AssemblymemberAnchorage, AK
- Carmen Chu SF AssessorSan Francisco , CA
- David Chiu Assembly memberSan Francisco, CA
- Frances Hsieh SF Democratic County Central CommitteeSan Francisco, CA
- James Chang Rent Stabilization Board MemberBerkeley, CA
- Jose Cisneros TreasurerSan Francisco, CA
- Kathleen Dooley Small Business CommissionerSan Francisco, CA
- Lenny Siegel MayorMountainview, CA
- Libby Schaaf MayorOakland, CA
- London Breed MayorSan Francisco, CA
- Peter Gallotta Member, San Francisco Democratic County Central CoSan Francisco, CA
- Pratima Gupta Vice Chair San Francisco Democratic PartySan Francisco, CA
- Rafael Mandelman SupervisorSan Francisco, CA
- Rob Bonta AssemblymemberOakland, CA
- Scott Wiener SenatorSan Francisco, CA
- Tom Temprano Vice President, City College of San Francisco BoarSan Francisco, CA
- Donna Lynne Former Lieutenant GovernorDenver, CO
- John Hickenlooper Senator (D-CO)Denver, CO
- Michael Hancock MayorDenver , CO
- Robin Kneich CouncilmemberDenver, CO
- Carlos Guillermo Smith State RepresentativeOrlando, FL
- John E. Dailey MayorTallahassee, FL
- Ryan Morales FL House District 32 CandidateClermont, FL
- Shawn Williams Affordable Housing Committee MemberFort Myers, FL
- Park Cannon House of RepresentativesAtlanta , GA
- Tari Renner MayorBloomington, IL
- Thomas McNamara MayorRockford, IL
- Cheryl Kagan State SenatorRockville, MD
- Gail Infurna MayorMelrose, MA
- Gary Christenson MayorMalden, MA
- Jack Lewis State RepresentativeFramingham, MA
- Christopher Taylor MayorAnn Arbor, MI
- Lisa Bunker State RepresentativeExeter, NH
- Jessica Floyd MayorWoodbury, NJ
- Michael Sabatino City Council Majority LeaderYonkers, NY
- Scott Stringer ComptrollerNew York, NY
- Steve Napier Cohoes City CouncilCohoes, NY
- Allison Dahle State RepresentativeRaleigh, NC
- Damon Seils AldermanCarrboro, NC
- Judy Justice New Hanover County School BoardWilmington, NC
- Lydia Lavelle MayorCarrboro, NC
- Steve Schewel MayorDurham, NC
- Emily Virgin State RepresentativeOklahoma, OK
- Jesse Gantt School Board Vice PresidentHarrisburg, PA
- Brett Withers Metropolitan CouncilmemberNashville, TN
- Bill Lippert State RepresentativeHinesbury, VT
- Allison Silberberg MayorAlexandria, VA
- Monica Nemeth CommissionerWashington, DC
- Mike Wiza MayorStevens Point, WI
- Paul Soglin MayorMadison, WI
If you are a municipal elected official and would like to sign on in support of Open to All on behalf of your region, please fill out the form through the button below.
Sign the pledge to let your constituents and community know that you support Open to All
Please disable your pop-up blocker to sign the pledge and confirm your signature.

Join the LEAD Taskforce and take action today! Click here (PDF) to learn more about the LEAD Taskforce.

Get business resources to let employees, customers, and community members know this business Open to All.

Find and support Open to All businesses near you by searching on Yelp.com or the Yelp app, and filtering using the Open to All attribute.

Help spread the word about Open to All by sharing the images and videos linked below on social media using #OpenToAll

Add your voice to the growing chorus of Americans who reject discrimination! Be a part of the Open to All campaign!