Small Business Support for the Equality Act - Open to All

Small Business Support for the Equality Act

We thank you for being a member of the coalition of businesses that are working to defend the bedrock principle that when a business opens its doors to the public, it should be Open to All.

We have a tremendous opportunity to engage in building support for civil rights. The Equality Act updates protections for people of color, immigrants, religious minorities, women, and LGBTQ people in all these areas. That’s why it has received support and endorsement from nearly 600 advocacy organizations from across constituencies and issue areas. These supporters include leading organizations in the civil rights community, the business community, the faith community, women’s rights advocates, and many other groups.

Open to All is working in partnership with Freedom For All Americans to galvanize our small business coalition in key states to educate you on the importance of expanding federal civil rights protections and invite you to engage within your state as visible advocates for equality.  We need your help to build support for the Equality Act and want you to be engaged at a level that you’re comfortable with. As a business partner in this effort you will have access to:

  • Briefings on the Equality Act for state business partners including what companies can do to protect and support their customers in retail spaces.

  • Business Resource Toolkit including customer and employee messaging guidance, media material templates, sample social media posts and graphics, and more.

  • Rapid Response Business Group of informed and engaged business owners to share tailored calls to action.

Sign Up! Be Part of the Campaign

Time is of the essence, so we’re inviting you to get involved in this nationwide nondiscrimination effort immediately. Please complete and submit the form below to express how you would like to be engaged in the campaign.

Thank you for being a member of this nationwide coalition of small business leaders who have taken a stand to affirm that we are Open to All.

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